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Category: Contract

  • Houserules

    The following house rules apply to the rented property: The tenant should be aware that the property is a real home, surrounded by neighbours and that the rules of the Homeowners’ Association must be respected. The working standards of the Owners’ Committee of the building, in which the property is located, must be respected, as…

  • How do I pay for electricity, water, gas,…?

    Included in the rent are all costs: Wi-Fi, water, electricity, gas, etc. Energy costs (electricity + gas only) are limited to a monthly maximum agreed in the rental contract. If the guest consumes more energy he will have to pay the difference. The contracts of all utilities remain in the name of the owner. ←…

  • What happens if we have to leave the flat before the end of the contract?

    The cancellation terms can be consulted on our website (terms&conditions), but can be overruled by the cancellations terms in the rental contract. ← back

  • I want to renew the contract.

    If you are planning to renew your stay, we recommend that you inform Globexs as far in advance as possible. First of all we must check the availability of the accommodation where you are currently staying. If it is available we will sign a contract extension. If not, we will try to relocate the company…

  • Do I have to sign a rental contract?

    Yes, most owners that publish their apartment on www.globexs.com will ask you to sign a rental contract. This rental contract will usually be drafted and presented to you before arrival, or in some cases, upon arrival. ← back